Mezquita de Cordoba

The Spectacular Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba

The Roman bridge was the first structure that had to be crossed before reaching the gate of Cordoba, Spain. From across the bridge, the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba was already imposing. We had just arrived and disembarking from the tour bus coming from Toledo, Spain.

Puerta del Puente

Puerta del Puente was at the end of the Roman bridge. One can only imagine that the gate was a big deterrent to people who were trying to enter the city of Cordoba in the past. Imagine the Roman guards standing in front of Puerta del Puente!

The mighty wall

We were walking outside and looking up the towering walls of the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. It was looking thick and impenetrable. The designs decorating the wall were intricate. It was amazing that the details on the wall’s design has withstood the passing of time and its different occupants.

Inside the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba, Moorish and Christian influences can be found everywhere – the pillars and arches, the altars, the statues, the frescoes, and even the floors and ceilings. Outside, Jewish influences were dominant along the narrow streets of the Jewish Quarters. It was much like Toledo, Spain.

The tour guide did an excellent job of pointing out interesting items throughout the tour. It was accompanied by a brief discussion and description of the interesting item. The history of the item was more interesting to us. It allowed us to understand why such item was there and why was it significant to the people of its time.

Our next stop will be Seville, Spain.

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    • Yes it does! I could have spent the whole day there looking at all the fine details.

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