About GeoDel

About GeoDel Photo Travelogue. GeoDel stands for George & Della. An average working couple who are still part of the active work force but are starting to enjoy their status as empty nesters. The transition has allowed them to pursue interests that had been in the back burner for years – travel stories & photography.

Travel has always been a lifelong dream for Della. A dream that she nurtured since childhood. A dream where she can tell family and friends about her travel stories. The rekindling of George’s passion for photography came about with the availability of digital photography and processing. Combining the dream and the passion brought about the creation of a travel photography and notes collection.

What else does GeoDel Photo Travelogue offer?

The blog has evolved over the years. George & Della does not offer only photographs and notes but also some of their insights of the places traveled. As a traveling couple, they experienced first hand how it was to be in a new place for the first time. George & Della hope that their insights will help others in their own pursuit of travel stories & photography.

You can support George’s passion and Della’s dream.

Printing some of the photographs can be done for wall or desk decorations and/or on apparels/accessories. Or, downloaded as a digital file for self printing. You will come across a photograph that you like but was not offered for printing or downloading. Send George & Della a note so they can find a solution. If you want more insights, send them a note too. George & Della are hoping to hear from you soon.

Comments and/or questions are welcome – Send notes or email.

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