Three bells of Fira

Discovering the Iconic Three Bells of Fira in Santorini

A photograph of the Three Bells of Fira. The photograph was actually showing the blue dome and the three bells of the Catholic Church of the Dormition.

We went looking for this popular destination on our first day in Santorini. It was confusing to learn that our taxi driver did not have any idea about this popular church. We later learned that the Three Bells of Fira was officially known as the Catholic Church of the Dormition.

Most churches in Santorini, by the way, regardless whether it was Greek Orthodox or Catholic, had blue domes and bells.

Another popular church, the Greek Orthodox Churches of St. Anastasi and St. Spyridon, shown below with the Santorini caldera at the background, has the same characteristic blue dome and bells.

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  1. Honestly, we had difficulty finding this church. Our navigator kept directing us to a street that was parallel but one level down. We got confused because it was nowhere in sight. It was only when a local told us to take the foot path that we found it.

    • Honestly, we had difficulty finding this church. Our navigator kept directing us to a street that was parallel but one level down. We got confused because it was nowhere in sight. It was only when a local told us to take the foot path that we found it.

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