The City of Toledo, Spain

The Cultural Influences of Toledo, Spain

The tour bus was slowly grinding to a halt on an overlooking hill across the City of Toledo, Spain. Drowsy eyes were waking up and cramped legs were stirring as the tour guide announced that we had arrived. We were just in Madrid watching the royal guards of Palacio Real de Madrid and touring Museo del Prado. This was the optional tour to the City of Toledo.

We were seeing the Romanesque buildings of the City of Toledo. It was on a hill partially surrounded by the Tagus River above the plains of Castilla and La Mancha in central Spain. The flow of the Tagus River was naturally protecting the city on three sides from invaders. This did not prevent constant conflict and cultural influences of Toledo, Spain over the centuries.

The Arabic, Jewish, and Christian populations who were occupying Toledo, Spain over the centuries were dictating the cultural influences. Each cultural group was contributing its unique cultural influences. The construction of the Romanesque buildings were of Moorish design and with Jewish markings.

We were trailing behind our local guide. The streets were narrow and can easily confuse anybody unfamiliar with the city. Our local guide was pointing out unique features of the buildings and markings. Romanesque buildings, some with Gothic design, bear the features of Moorish architecture. In the midst, was a scattering of Jewish markings. We did pass by the Monastery of San Juan de los Reyes, a Catholic institution, with the Catholic influence of the Isabelline style of construction. The Synagogue of Santa Maria La Blanca, a Jewish place of worship, was constructed by workers using a Moorish design. The building was of Moorish design with Jewish markings.

There was so much more of the cultural influences through architecture, markings, and decorative articles. The guided tour allowed us only a fleeting glimpse. We were thinking that we can immerse and understand the cultural influences more if we had more time. Maybe, a self-guided tour?

We started from the city of Madrid and were making our way to the southwestern part of Spain. Our next stop was the City of Cordoba.

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  1. It’s too bad we couldn’t spend more time in Madrid when we there a couple years ago as I really wanted to take a day trip to Toledo. Thanks for showing what I was missing.

    • I feel sad 😞 that you missed it. At least, now you know what you missed. You can plan for it for next travel 😊.

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