graffiti or mural?

The Intriguing Story of Graffiti Along the Colorado River

There is a large artwork on the side of a building facing the Colorado River in Austin, Texas. There are also several large artworks on the train bridge crossing the Colorado River. Is it called a mural or graffiti?

The photograph was taken along the banks of the Colorado River in Austin, Texas. The river trip was part of the side trips when we went to visit the Texas State Capitol in Austin.

Showing the ubiquitous graffiti along the Colorado River was one of the highlights of the river cruise. The river cruise was intended to witness the flight of the Mexican free-tailed bats. The bats emerge from their sleep at dusk under the Congress Avenue bridge. While waiting, the boat captains were entertaining the passengers with the oddities that can be found along the river.

Graffiti along the Colorado river was an oddity that was proliferating in the city. So the city tried to clean it up but was only replaced as fast as it was removed. Graffiti artists became local celebrities. In response, the local government came up with a program, Make Art Not Marks, to discourage graffiti. It also began encouraging local artists, in cooperation with the local government, to start creating their own mural artwork.

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